Johnathan and I ate while she played with all of her "new best friends." Slowly these friends left and she eventually decided that eating might be an acceptable idea. She took a few small nibbles of bread, ate a couple of apple wedges and very begrudgingly shared with me her favorite new treat of "Bacheetos." Oops, she realizes she has been sitting still for a whole 3 minutes....time to play again.
She makes the rounds of all the moms with baby strollers. "What's your baby's name? Is it a boy or a girl? What is she eating/doing/saying?" She has to get the whole story from each mom. They engage her in conversation only to have her make herself at home on their bench and delve into a long conversation about the state of the world or the latest happenings in her life that she feels they need to know. I go over and explain to her that these moms are not interested in hanging out with her and that she needs to go and play with some of the other kids. The moms always say how polite she is and how well she speaks for her age...which of course, Olivia has already told them was 3 and that she has a cat named KC that likes to sleep on her tummy.
An hour passes and the crowd thins down even more and the final 3 are left playing in the sandbox. It appears a potty break is in order and I take that opportunity to lead her back to the car with the promise of a lollipop Daddy brought for her. The likelihood of her falling asleep on the way home is a long shot these days, but I am happy to know she got her fresh air and exercise for the morning and we made some good memories. That is all the paycheck I need.