We all love hanging out at "the farm." Prairie Point Ranch is home to one of our favorite families and all of their animals nestled on 17 acres in Haslet, TX. Olivia adores the farm and all of its fun activities. I'm sure that if she actually lived there and was required to do the chores she finds so much fun it would lose all its appeal all too soon!
Her latest favorite is to help Aunt Shelley feed the baby goats. She knows all their names, of course. She thinks it is hilarious that the goats try to nibble on the hem of her shirt and dress like it's food to eat. Feeding the fish and the turtle rank a close second, but are never menial enough to be forgotten.
She always has to check in on her chick, "Hen"nah Montennah. Hennah is growing nicely and luckily, is a hen......now that we can actually tell. : ) (Our girl is the blonde in the back.) Speaking of chicks and chickens, Olivia also likes to walk around the grounds looking for eggs. She won't actually step into the hen house, "It's got poop on the floor.....ew", but she will pick them up anyplace else she finds them. There aren't usually more than a couple of eggs, which never fails to disappoint her. We have been known to put the eggs she finds back down on the ground to be found again....Aunt Shelley is so smart!