Olivia and I have discussed the act of accepting Christ and what that means several times over the past few months. Last week I simply asked Olivia if she wanted to accept Christ and be baptized. She was all for it...except for being wet in her clothes at church. The child hates bathing or having something spilled on her.
(In this shot, we see that Daddy gets to baptize Olivia.) While helping put bulletins together in the church office Thursday afternoon, I told one of the church staff ladies, Mitzie, about Olivia's seeming interest in being baptized and her distaste for being wet...except when we go swimming. Well, Mitzie loves Olivia and kindly offered the use of her pool for the event.
That night, I started up a conversation with her again about accepting Christ and being baptized in Ms Mitzie's pool. She was all for the idea. Johnathan overheard us talking and came in to be able to hear what we were talking about more clearly. We all sat at the table and asked Olivia if she wanted God to be her boss and if she knew the ABC's of being "saved." She knew that A stood for Accept that I am a sinner, B stands for believe that Christ died on the cross for our sins and rose again after 3 days, and C is for Confess your sins to God. Johnathan offered to help her pray the Sinner's Prayer, but she wanted to do it herself. She did a great job and Johnathan helped her fill in a few gaps. I can't tell you how touching that moment was and how I'll never forget how serious and grown-up she seemed.
The following day I took her to lunch and we went and got her a "big girl bible." She wasn't happy that there weren't many pictures, but she thought it looked really cool and she would learn to use it with our help. I also explained to her that she and I were now sisters. Since God is our Father, that makes us sisters in Christ. She thought that was pretty cool. I also told her how glad I was that now all my babies would be with me in Heaven and it choked me up enough that I started to just sob sitting there, being filled with such joy. Olivia patted me on the back to console me and I told her I was crying tears of joy. She said, "I know. I do that too sometimes. It's OK, Mommy."
Friends and family that came to celebrate with us.