A lot of people are asking about curiculum, so here is what we are using:
French for Children by Catherine Bruzzone
Discovering Great Artists: Hands-On Art for Children in the Styles of the Great Masters by MaryAnn F. Kohl
Primary Language Lessons by Emma Serl
We were blessed to be borrowing the MFW curriculum and readers to see if this is the direction we want to take in future years. Most of the other items I found on FB curriculum groups or from Amazon.
The next few weeks I will be working on prepping our homeschooling area in the living room. I wish we had the space to have a dedicated room, but we can make it work with what we've got. I found a small dining table at a garage sale and a couple of comfy parsons chairs that should work quite well. With a few furniture modifications and some rearranging of the current space, we should have a nice little niche carved out for our workspace. I really love the idea of being able to move around and change things up and hang out on the couch or go to a park once the weather allows.
We did enjoy a great trip to Boston that will provide an incredible stepping stone to our history curriculum this year.
I also bought a 40 episode DVD called "Liberty Kids" that looks pretty fun and informative. It will be neat to see how so many of the places we visited tie into our country's history.