Monday, July 28, 2008

Making positive strides

I accepted Christ in 2001 and since that time I have been waiting for someone to teach me how to be a Godly wife and mother. Guess what? No one has applied for that job. I never got it until just now. Yes, you are sharing in my great epiphany. I don't really know what day to day life looks like in a Christian home. Should we just sit around and read the Bible all day? Should we pray at each meal? What about in public? Is it OK to display crosses in your home or is it in poor taste? I was just caught up in the semantics of it all.

What I need to know is not neatly contained in some How To manual or best selling book. There is no checklist of do's and don'ts I can hang on the fridge to track my growth. I already have everything I need to be exactly what God wants me to be. I have a Bible and I have a heart to want to apply God's will to my life. All of those other things really are choices on what you feel God is leading you to do in your personal walk with Him. Who knew it was so simple? But let there be no will not be easy. Today's world, our humanness and Satan continually bombard us with the idea that it is too hard or you aren't worthy or you don't have to really do all that stuff God put in the Bible. I am reminded of that saying, "Believe in something or you'll fall for anything."

What I want for my daughter more than anything is a home filled with love. I want her to know that she doesn't have to be anything but herself to receive our love. I want her to know that even if she tries and fails, we support her in the trying. Her accomplishments will not be compared to anyone else's and her failures are merely learning experiences. I want her to know what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus and how to share her faith with others.

I don't know that I would have come to this realization had it not been for the group of people I call family that makes up our House to House group. These men and women have shared their hearts, their struggles, their trials and tribulations within the safety of our group weekly. I now know how important it is to seek people like this to help you in your walk. People that do not judge you and that truly want to help you be all God wants you to be. And as I sit here crying tears of thankfulness, I am not ashamed....I am blessed.

1 comment:

Krista Sanders said...

How sweet and how encouraging! No value can be put on living life with brothers and sisters in Christ. Thanks for sharing!

Hicks Family

Hicks Family
Mutual respect and admiration are the results of godly character and sacrificial love in marriage.